Tuesday, August 21, 2012

2 More Things + Compost!

Two more packages went out the door today, cloth diapers and some mama cloth that I made for a trade. (<-- Which is something I wanted to highlight really quick).

Trading is an EXCELLENT way to get things you need and get rid of stuff you don't. We exclusively cloth diaper and I've gotten a large amount of my stash from trading clothing the kids have outgrown, my knitting and sewing skills, maternity clothes, and even things like games and toys the kids don't play with anymore. The best thing about cloth diapering is that they hold their resale fairly well. Disposables are money out the door and trash that stays in your Earth. The best thing about trading is it allows you to barter for things that you might really want that other people are willing to let go of for something you have. No money exchanges hands and you end up with something better for you/your family.

Composting. I stated from day one that we wouldn't include food in the things we keep/toss because it just doesn't make sense. I coupon but I'm not food hoarder and with 3 kids + 1 on the way - things get eaten pretty fast here. But I must share that I'm so excited that we started a compost. My husband is digging growing peppers this year so the compost should come in nice and handy! Plus it helps keep waste out of our trash.

With cloth diapering we got down to 1 bag of trash a week. Now with composting I suspect we'll be even lower. Now our recycling.. that's another story. It takes up more than the whole can they give us!

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